Communication is key!
Best practises from the management of global health outbreaks
Provisional Program
09:00 – 09:45 Opening address
CHANG Shan-chwen, Deputy Minister, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Taiwan (R.O.C)
Dominique DAVID, Executive Director, Ifri, France
Patrick BONNEVILLE, Director, French Institute in Taipei
KU Karl Min, General Director, National Central Library, Taiwan
09:45 – 11:15 FIRST SESSION
Highlighting the crucial importance of communication
Speakers: Alain VANDERSMISSEN, Avian Influenza External Response Coordinator, European Commission, DG RELEX, Belgium
From a global response to Avian Influenza, through Pandemic A/H1N!, to “One Health”. Roles and limits of communication
CHAN Chang-chuan, Director, International Health Center, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (R.O.C)
Risk communication in Taiwan’s public health policy
Discussant: Benoît VERMANDER, Director of the RICCI Institute, Professor at the Fu Dan University, Shanghai
Chair: CHEN Chien-jen, Distinguished Research Fellow, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (R.O.C)
11:15 – 11:30 Coffee break
1:30 – 13:00 SECOND SESSION
Horizontal communication: ensuring fluid information exchanges between decision-makers
Speakers: KU Menon, Director, National Resilience division, Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts, Singapore
Dealing with uncertainty in the management of a pandemic
SHANG Tung-fu, Acting Director, Bureau of International Cooperation, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Taiwan (R.O.C)
Sharing information at the global level: the role and constraints of WHO
Discussant: Aline LEBOEUF, Head, Health and Environment programme, French Institute for International Relations, France
Chair: CHIU Jong-jen, Director General, Department of European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan (R.O.C)
13:15 – 14:15 Lunch
14:30 – 16:00 THIRD SESSION
The right message and the right vector for the right audience: vertical and transversal communication to the public
Speakers: Muhiuddin HAIDER, Associate professor, School of Public Health and Health Services, George Washington University, US
Public health communication in times of crisis – bottom- up and transversal dynamics.
KUO Hsu-sung, Director, Taiwan Centres for Disease Control, Department of Health, Taiwan (R.O.C)
Striking the balance between alert and panic. Cooperation with the mass media.
Discussant: Son Kim PHAN, Health Journalist, Saigon, Marketing Newspaper, Vietnam*
Chair: CHIANG Han-sun, Vice-president for Medical Affairs, President of the faculty of medicine, Fu jen university, Taiwan (R.O.C)
16:00 – 16:15 Coffee break
16:15 – 17:45 FOURTH SESSION
Looking for innovative ways to communicate
Speaker: Deborah EDELMAN, Founder & Director Public Health Media, Inc., US
Channelling the buzz or going for viral communication?
WU Yi-chen, Professor, Department of Advertising and Public Relations, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan (R.O.C)*
Innovative risk communication. Lessons from the SARS and other public health crisis
Discussant: Saifullah KHAN, Development Manager, Glaxo Smith Kline, Pakistan
Chair: CHEN Tzay-Jinn, Deputy Minister, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Taiwan (R.O.C)
7:45 Concluding address
Best practises for public health crisis communication:
lessons after the 2009 A/H1N1 outbreak.
CHIU Wen-hsiang, Head, Department of Health, Taipei City Government, Taiwan (R.O.C)
Amin SOEBANDRIO, Senior Advisor for Food and Health, Ministry for Research and Technology; Chairman, Expert Panel of the National Committee for Bird Flu and Pandemic Preparedness, Republic of Indonesia
* To be confirmed
Place: National Central Library, 3F, Conference Hall, Educational Area
MRT: CKS Memorial Hall
Time: Saturday November 28th
Contact and registration:
Meifang Tsai mei@erenlai.com
Gloria Liu gloria@come2meet.com
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