Renlai's Monthly September issue differs slighltly from eRenlai's Focus ( The Seven Crises of Humankind) as its subject is "The Flow of Fear" (恐懼流映), starting with the fear of pandemics in the context of globalization. I had been asked then to contribute an article on that subject and I chose to describe and analyze fear in the zombies and post-apocalyptic movies of Hollywood from the last two decades. I have to confess that I suffered a bit while 'doing my researches' on the subject as I had to watch in a relatively short time a bunch of movies starring living-dead people and pandemics, which were quite of unequal quality. Finally I made my choice on these 5 movies: Outbreak, Twelve Monkeys, 28 Days Later, Resident Evil: Extinction and I Am Legend. I hope I could convey in my article that that choice was not completely arbitrary as I tried to underline certain common features of these different films.
Also, not directly related but still enjoyable: here is a video clip (in 'hommage' to John Carpenter) by Zombie Zombie, a French band which actually performed last year at the Fulong Festival in Taiwan.